Once on the Users page, select Create New User from the top left.
A popup should appear in the center of the screen and should have three different tabs: Settings, Agents, Volumes.
In the boxSettings tab, fill in the customers username (normally their account name), password, and e-mail address, as well as ensuring that the check-boxes for "Restrict maximum agent count" and "Restrict maximum MySQL add-on count" are checked and have the appropriate number of agents and database are listed add-on's as per the amount for which they are paying for.
In the Agents tab you see a drop-down box with all the currently installed agents, if . If the agent has not yet been created, it will need to be installed before this portion of user creation can be completed. Select the users agent and click add, then select the checkboxes as seen below.
Next, in the Volumes tab, simply select the users volume from the dropdown box and click add.
Once these three tabs have been completed, click on Save. The user has been successfully created and can login with their given credentials as well as receive any reports which they create.