This section will overview the functions within the View Profile section of the portal
1 - Address & Contact Information - This section will detail the information that Vault Networks has on file for the organization
A - Name - Your Name
B - Company - Name of the Organization on file
C - Address - Address on File
D - Email - Email address on file
E - Phone - Phone Number on file
F - Fax - Fax Number on File
G - Invoice Delivery - How invoices will be sent out. Currently Vault Networks only offers email invoices. An archive will be available in the portal in the event that an email is missed, lost in spam, etc.
2 - Custom Data - This section will have customization features such as security option and notes
H - Account Security - This enables security functions such as PIN-based security
I - Other - This section is an open box that enables our clients to add notes for Vault Networks Employees and the Client alike to be able to refer to
3 - Billing Summary - Information about Billing. Note that this section cannot be customized
J - Grace Period - You have a 20 day grace period to pay a bill before receiving a Late Fee
K - Late Fee Schedule - shows history of late fees
4 - Authorized Contacts - this section will show the Name, Title, phone number, and email address of all authorized contacts for the account. Within a contact specialty roles such as 'Billing' can be selected to determine which contacts are authorized to know what information regarding the account.
NOTE - To add new contacts to your account, please click the 'Add Contact' button located at the top right of the Authorized Contacts section.