1. Installing Agent Using YUM
1.1 Configure YUM Repository
YUM is the easiest way to keep programs up-to-date on RedHat-compatible distributions. It downloads and installs the latest version of a program. You should configure the YUM repository to manage install and upgrades of CDP Agent.
First, create a YUM .repo file with the R1Soft repository information. Save the file in the yum.repos.d directory which is typically located in /etc/.
1. Open the new file with a text editor such as vi or nano:
2. Insert the following text into the file and save the file:
3. To verify what is written to the file, use the following command:
1.2 Install the Package
Once you have configured the YUM repository, you can use the following command to install CDP Agent:
1.3 Install the Manager key
You can install the key for the backup manager with the following command:
# serverbackup-setup --get-key https://Manager_URL
2. Install Agent Manually (Using RPM)
2.1 Download CDP Agent
2.2 Make Sure You Can Unzip the Download
Most Linux distributions come with the unzip utility pre-installed. To determine if you have the unzip utility, run:
This should return an output similar to the following:
If it returns the following output, you need to install the unzip utility first:
To install unzip on RHE, CentOS, and Fedora:
2.3 Extract the ZIP File
We recommend creating a temporary directory to which you can extract the contents of the ZIP file.
1. Use the mkdir command to create a temporary directory (in our case, cdp-agent).
2. Use the mv command to move the archive to that directory. Note that Linux file names are case sensitive. Make sure you type the name correctly (in our case, "r1soft-enterprise-agent-linux64-3.18.2.zip").
3. Use the cd command to go to that directory.
4. Use the unzip command to extract the files.
2.4 Install the Package
Notice You must be a Linux root user to install CDP Agent. |
The archive you have extracted contains two folders: one with .deb packages (in our case, "deb-linux64") and one with .rpm packages ("rpm-linux64"). On RedHat and CentOS, select the .rpm package.
Each folder contains a set of CDP components:
- r1soft-setup
- r1soft-cdp-enterprise-agent
- r1soft-cdp-agent
- r1soft-cdp-async-agent-2-6
You will need to install all of them in one step. Use the cd command to go to the folder with the packages (in our case, rpm-linux64) and run the following command:
RPM 32-bit (x86) / RPM 64-bit (x86_64)