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Disaster Recovery

Why Your Host Needs to Plan for Disaster Recovery

Disasters are a fact of life that individuals and businesses must face. While it’s hard for individuals to cope with the loss that tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes and fires can bring, it’s excruciating when your business’s valuable and irreplaceable records are wiped by an unfortunate event.

It’s even worse to find out that your hosting services have been hit by such an event. While your physical business remains fine, your digital business has been reduced to nothing more than a smoldering pile of ashes or a water-soaked hard drive. This leaves you in a position where you can do little more than start to try rebuilding your website, e-commerce business or application development environment from scratch.

For most businesses, this is too much of a hurdle to deal with. That’s why they invest in disaster recovery, especially when it comes to their hosting.

The unfortunate fact of the matter is that many web hosts provide inadequate recovery options for when disaster strikes. While they may be prepared for the failure of one hard drive or the theft of a server, they’re not prepared to simultaneously lose every server in their care.

This leaves businesses like yours in a precarious position where you could lose everything with one bad day of weather.

The only way that you can be sure none of your information gets lost to even the most intense of natural disasters is to use a host that ensures data is backed up in a variety of ways.

Volico protects your data using rigorous security standards while housing it in a facility engineered to withstand up to category 5 hurricanes with redundant power and networking systems. They employ fire protection systems, finely tuned environmental controls, and more.

When it comes to your business’s data, it isn’t enough to have it backed up on a RAID system. You need to have a comprehensive plan put in place that will protect you from even the largest of disasters, and that’s exactly what Volico has designed its facilities to withstand. Prevent the loss of your valuable business by ensuring that your data, your servers, and your services won’t be lost to natural disasters.

How Hosting Through Volico Can Help

As data becomes more and more important, companies are realizing that the cost of losing it is simply to high to bear. As a result, many are taking steps to ensure that they’re prepared for disasters. Being able to keep data safe and restore any that is lost is essential for recovering completely, and many companies have realized that hosting providers can help. Here are a few of the ways that hosting services can make the data recovery process simpler.

Better Protection
Even in the absence of disasters, it’s possible for hard drives to fail. Unfortunately, many companies don’t have the infrastructure needed to recover from hard drive failures. Data recovery needs to start with RAID arrays, which almost all hosting providers offer. The best way to recover from a disaster is to keep all information intact, and hosting providers offer this service.

Better Physical Infrastructure
Hosting providers take physical security seriously, and they operate in buildings that are able to withstand natural and man-made disasters. Business owners don’t always have this opportunity, and they might operate out of older buildings that won’t withstand disasters as well as modern buildings. When companies work with hosting providers, their data will likely be in better shape for recovery efforts.

All companies should ensure that their data is stored in a redundant manner, and hosting providers offer this service to their customers. Some companies store their own backups, but many have them housed in their main buildings, where a disaster can wipe them out as well. While online backups are better, many companies lack the needed bandwidth. Hosting providers generally have superior solutions available.

Data is the lifeblood of modern businesses, and recovering from disasters is essential. By working with experts at hosting providers, companies can ensure that their data will be available regardless of what Mother Nature throws at it.

Like to take the next step with the world’s leader in Disaster Recovery? 

Learn more about how the Disaster Recovery plan can help you build a solid, affordable and reliable Disaster Recovery strategy.
• Call us at 866.865.4261
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