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Why Your Business Needs Professional Disaster Recovery Services

Disasters can happen without warning and may cause damage to your current business onsite backup methods. Your business needs to have some type of disaster recovery plan in place to deal with a fire, flood or other events. Having professional disaster recovery services comes with a few benefits, and protects your business and personal assets.

Restart Operations Fast
You will want to use professional disaster recovery services because it allows your business to restart operations fast. The service will already know about your recovery plans and what to do if an emergency occurs. If the service was used for colocation, then all equipment will still be safe. Your business can reconnect to the servers as soon as you are ready. Restarting operations fast means less lost revenue during the short downtime.

Avoid Losing Data
If a fire, flood or vandal hits your office, then all the data on an in-house network could be destroyed. This can include primary and backup storage drives or even separate physical media. Hosting services will help you to avoid losing data if a disaster occurs. The service performs regular backups so that saved information is always current. These backups are stored in a safe location so they are not vulnerable. This can prevent your business from losing valuable or proprietary information.

Reduce Costs for Recovery
A recovery plan needs to be followed by preparations that can become very expensive. Special systems might need to be installed in and around a server room. Equipment often needs to be purchased to protect the server and peripherals. A disaster recovery service makes this type of spending unnecessary. By using colocation or dedicated hosting, a large part of the recovery plan can be left to the professionals at the hosting service.

Keep Servers Running During a Disaster
A final advantage of relying on hosting services during recovery planning is that they allow the servers to remain running at all times. If the disaster just hits the main building where you are located, then the data center will be unaffected. Some services even allow you to select from several different data centers for maximum safety. This means it will still be possible to capture new business through the server even while a disaster is occurring.


Keeping Your Data Safe with Backup Services During a Disaster

Natural disasters occur without warning and usually create a great deal of damage. Floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and more can cause damage to your establishment possibly destroying data on your servers and computer systems. However, using Cloud-based backup services could prevent you from losing valuable data while giving you access to those files during the aftermath of the disaster. Using a Volico hosting service for backups may keep your organization functional regardless of the situation.

Mobile Accessibility
One of the greatest features to have during a disaster is the ability to access files through mobile devices. This could keep your business performing various tasks even if the establishment itself has been utterly compromised. In the personal aspect, you may safely store your family images and important documents while accessing the account on your smartphone, tablet or laptop computer system.

Automatic File Backups
Instead of spending time backing up files manually, automatic file backup systems reduce your personal and business workload by collecting the data for you. Once the time has been set in the administrative panel, the system will conduct these file copies while you focus on other aspects of personal and/or business objectives.

Differentiating File Versions
There may be times when an early version of a file is needed especially if proceeding copies were altered or modified incorrectly. Being able to retrieve earlier versions of a file from hosting services may save an employee or yourself a great deal of time from having to recreate it from scratch. This ability is excellent for organizations that utilize contracts and other documents based on templates.

Unlimited File Sizes
Video, high-graphic files and other digital documents could be quite large. With Volico hosting service, you are able to store files regardless of size. In the event of a disaster, saving this information may be better than the alternative of having to recreate the content.

Ready to See How Volico Can Help You?

Got questions? Want to talk specifics? That’s what we’re here for.

Have one of our friendly experts contact you to begin the conversation. Discover how Volico can help you with your Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity needs.
•  Call: 888 865 4261
•  Chat with a member of our team to discuss which solution best fits your needs.

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