What You Need to Know About X-as-a-Service (XaaS)

XaaS stands for ‘anything as a service’ and encompasses SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and more. As cloud computing has become not simply an option, but practically the mandate, for both developers and users alike, there has been a myriad of ways businesses have been quick to jump on the “as a service” model. For this reason, it’s critical that we explore precisely what this move means for the industry with some questions.  What does this service economy mean, contextually? Where does it hint the industry is moving? Finally, what are the benefits of XaaS?

How XaaS helps clients and businesses

The concept of “anything as a service” seeks to demystify and increase the accessibility for a literally unlimited number of specialized processes. On top of all this, XaaS also reduces costs on both ends of the transaction by utilizing cloud computing, cloud security, private clouds, and virtualization to leverage resources for all, without sacrificing privacy or cybersecurity.

XaaS is already in use, everywhere

The best recommendation for the wider application of the XaaS model is its present and growing utility across industries and fields, for users of every level, at every cost-point. The following theoretical scenario isn’t too far from reality: imagine a laptop sold containing only a simple OS and only able to access a free, worldwide wifi network operated by the same company who built the laptop, the OS, and likely the web browser as well. Before this starts to sound too restrictive, imagine the costs for this system were billed along with cell phone data and service. And the same company also built and sold the cell phone. This isn’t so much a monopoly as an (admittedly extreme) expansion of the idea of cloud-based services pervading end users’ daily lives, anticipating and fulfilling their needs on every level.

The good news and the bad news about XaaS

Even as developers and designers have been energized by this new service model, malevolent presences have been quick to take notes and apply them to less savory tasks. Ransomware as a service, DDoS as a service, and malware as a service have all already been seen and felt by users in recent months. This is where the flexibility of XaaS is both a burden and a benefit. At the same time as these major concerns have arisen in the IT industry, backup as a service, security as a service, disaster recovery as a service, and data recovery as a service is also rising to meet these new challenges. There is neither a fundamental or theoretical limit to the number of ways XaaS can be applied, in the tech industry and beyond, because of its scalability, minimal cost for physical upgrades, and focus. Designers and developers can focus on one small task or goal that they can then perfect using XaaS to supply all their other needs, from the simplest to the most complex.

Looking to learn how you can utilize XaaS with Volico?

To find out more about any of our cloud-based services, have one of our friendly experts contact you to begin the conversation. We can help you determine which services will be most helpful in optimizing your IT structure.

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