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Load Balancing

What Server Load Balancing Can Do For Your Company

Managed services can provide technical support that improves the way your servers function. Balancing the loads that come into your servers is one of these services. This is an effective way to prevent temporary problems from affecting performance. You must understand what Load Balancing can do for your company.

Increase Server Reliability

The first thing server load balancing can do is to increase the reliability of your servers. If there is a single problem with one node, an unexpected traffic spike or another issue, then the incoming traffic can be distributed across multiple nodes so that resources are shared. The result will be uninterrupted service in spite of any hardware or resource issues.

Improve the Customer Experience

A second benefit you gain from the server balancing done by managed services is an improved customer experience. If your servers are flooded with new visitors in response to a promotion or marketing strategy, then the load could potentially slow down service. It could even cause the servers to crash. This can leave consumers with a poor first impression of your company. Load balancing will ensure customers have a good experience every time.

Better Security

Load balancing can improve the security of your servers. This is because the balancing mechanism will distribute the load to other nodes without actually revealing their addresses or creating new public-facing servers. This means you are still working through just a single public Internet protocol address. This prevents hackers from taking advantage of weak points in the setup. It also provides a chokepoint where malicious activity can be detected and isolated without threatening the other server nodes.


A final thing load balancing can do is to create a highly scalable infrastructure for your business. The techniques used to balance the load can actually distribute traffic across any number of nodes. This means you have the ability to attach new servers to the existing ones without having to reconfigure every piece of hardware and software. The balancing mechanism will incorporate them into a single dynamic cluster. The result is a much more robust system that can grow alongside your company over time.

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