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How Volico’s Smart Hands Services Can Accelerate Your Growth

Smart Hands Data Center

Sooner or later, every IT department faces a situation where an urgent task needs to be done, but no team member is available to complete it. In this scenario, the simplest of tasks, like plugging something in, can turn into an issue if no one’s there to execute it. Complex technical tasks require even more […]

The Difference Between Bare Metal and Dedicated Servers: Are They Truly Different

bare metal servers

Bare metal servers are considered a superior quality option when it comes to the best server solutions available from providers. They are mediated as the top option that offers the benefits of the highest achievable performance. But is there a real difference between bare metal dedicated servers and dedicated servers? Or is the whole distinction […]

Navigating the World of Data Center Compliance: A Beginner’s Guide for Businesses

data center compliance

Some might think compliance is just another item to tick off on a list; however, in reality, it’s about much more than that. Data center compliance standards are at the foundation of efficient data management, ensuring the three pillars of information security: confidentiality, integrity, and data availability. The importance of compliance standards goes beyond adhering […]

What Are The Different Types Of Penetration Testing

Penetration testing or pentesting is a method of testing the security of a system by intentionally exposing it to a situation where a real-life hacker attack is simulated. This “ethical attack” serves the purpose of locating vulnerabilities in a system and finding solutions to secure them before an authentic black hat manages to infiltrate and […]

The Benefits of Data Center Colocation for Small Businesses

colocation for small businesses

Colocation for small businesses has been around as one of the best choices for hassle-free, long-term plans. While big corporations have all the necessary resources and personnel to run their own infrastructure, small and medium-sized businesses can bump into several challenges when it comes to managing data. You can either deal with inefficiency issues when […]

Your Essential Guide to Bare Metal Servers: Everything You Need to Know

bare metal dedicated servers

Bare metal servers have timeless popularity due to the many advantages of root access and granular control over hardware resources. Thanks to their high degree of customizability, they provide the highest performance and flexibility for managing specific workloads. Bare metal servers are also the most secure option, making them the best choice for organizations dealing […]

DDoS Protection Trends Among Data Center and Colocation Providers

In today’s fast-paced and quickly changing business environment companies rely heavily on the performance and efficiency provided by data centers. The digital transformation boom still lasts, and more and more businesses – independent of size – depend on the quality of connectivity, network options, and security offered by data center services. These are changing times […]

Data Center Interconnection & Network Connectivity Checklist

Data Center Tour

Data center interconnection capacity is one of the key considerations customers make when looking for a data center. Businesses want to ensure they’re migrating their IT infrastructures to a data center whose interconnection capabilities can help them achieve their current and future goals. Colocation data centers play a key role here, offering many advantages. Colocation […]

Ransomware Recovery: The Ultimate Guide in 2024

ransomware recovery

Without a doubt, most businesses encounter attacks in one form or another. Threats evolve in tandem with technology and become increasingly sophisticated due to the availability of new tools – and the immutability of human error. After experiencing an incident, ransomware recovery is a complex and costly procedure for businesses. The coping strategy is the […]

Data Center vs. Server Room: Key Differences, Benefits, and Risks

Linux or Windows

For many businesses at the beginning of their journey, choosing between data center and server room options and determining which one would better suit their needs is like a Catch-22 scenario. However, knowing the pros and cons of each can make it easier to pick the one that’s most suitable for their needs. Initially, before […]

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