Understanding Clustering Capabilities For Servers

Server clustering refers to a group of servers working together on one system to provide users with higher availability. These clusters are used to reduce downtime and outages by allowing another server to take over in an outage event. Here’s how it works. A group of servers are connected to a single system. The moment […]
Why Does Your Business Environment Need Redundancy Solutions

Redundancies signify components that need backup. Examples of this can be failures in the Ethernet cable, power supplies shortages or networking card errors. If these backup components are in place, then your business can rest assured that it will not suffer in the event of the primary source fails. The backup components act as the […]
Why a Miami Data Center Colocation Is a Smart Choice?

A business may want to outsource their data center or utilize a colocation facility for several reasons. Currently, 25% of companies choose to do so, but the numbers are rising rapidly because of the benefits involved. When you utilize a colocation facility, your operational costs go down because no additional equipment is required for power […]
Why Today’s IT Leaders Should Be Considering Colocation

Technology has taken over the world over the course of the last few years. It looks like there is an innovation every day and each with more and more benefits than the previous one. Colocation is amongst the most incredible jumps of technology and innovation. This is simply where businesses bring their personal servers to […]
Why Interconnection Is the Key to Digital Business Success

As digital businesses continue to experience increases in data storage demands, their need for flexible, secure, and scalable solutions grows. By providing colocation, applications management, networking support, and managed hosting, interconnectivity gives growing businesses the resources they need to maintain seamless storage and integration while protecting the critical infrastructure. What is interconnection? Interconnection refers to […]
Why is Hyper-Convergence Technology Booming?

Hyper-Convergence technology is a computer infrastructure used by data centers to integrate virtualization, storage, networking, and computing resources. All of these resources are optimized to work together, supported a single system run by a single vendor. Hyper-Convergence is a new idea – the next level after converged infrastructures. Hyper-convergence helps data centers meet their scalability […]
Dedicated Servers vs. Public Cloud

The difference between using the cloud to host your services versus using an in-house, dedicated server is essentially the difference between leasing and buying; between using an in-house IT team or a professional outside team; and between hands-on control versus shared, but more affordable, services. There are pros and cons to each type of information […]
What are the Benefits of a Dedicated Server from Volico?

For business owners, data security and resource management are often a serious consideration, regardless of industry. Utilizing a dedicated server prevents or alleviates many of the most common concerns for private businesses. Volico Data Center not only offers this service, but also a one-of-a-kind management program to allow for complete control and customization to suit […]
Is SSD Storage Right For Your Business?

Unless your desktop, laptop or tablet is one of the newest models, you are likely operating on a traditional HHD storage system. This spinning hard drive is the basic permanent storage system for PC’s and essentially is comprised of a spinning metal disk with a magnetic coating. This coating is where your data is stored […]
The Importance of INERGEN Fire Suppression in Data Centers

On average, a 14,000 square foot data center moves a 2,400kW electrical load and 700 tons of heat every single day. This places incredible electrical and mechanical pressures on circuits and opens a data center up to significant fire risks. To compound this problem, data centers pose unique challenges for fire suppression systems. Up until […]