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What is Load Balancing, and How Can It Improve Performance and Reliability?

Load Balancing

The annoyance we experience when trying to view a website that doesn’t load is familiar to everyone. The latency that drives us crazy is often due to increased traffic that isn’t distributed efficiently, leading to overloaded servers and crashing websites. The reliability and performance of web applications are crucial today, and seconds of latency can […]

Private Cloud vs. Bare Metal Servers? Which One is Right For Your Business?

Miami bare metal servers

When searching for IT infrastructure solution options, businesses often find themselves going through several options before finding the one solution that can support their operations in the most effective way. Two popular choices for handling workloads with high resource and performance needs are private cloud and bare metal servers. Both of these options offer the […]

What is Edge Networking, and How Can Companies Leverage Its Benefits?

network latency

Almost anything we do today requires, at one point or another, a specific degree of information processing and storage. Whether it’s our personal computers, appliances, or cars, there will be some amount of information manufacturers build into these devices to enhance our experience with the product. However, as users, businesses, and applications are becoming more […]

How to Switch Colocation Providers Like a Pro

Miami IT migration

Today, when every second spent offline matters, organizations of all sizes rely heavily on the quality of services their provider offers. IT infrastructure maintenance and technical support are crucial to performance and business success, and the lack of good support can hinder growth. Consequently, there can be plenty of reasons behind an organization’s decision to […]

Prepare For the Future With Network Modernization

network latency

Connectivity needs are putting the traditional, centralized IT infrastructure to the test. Today’s business requirements are pushing organizations more and more to implement network modernization solutions that can support the growing demands of emerging technologies. Legacy centralized designs were great at their time. However, as times change and networks become increasingly complex, these old infrastructures […]

What Are the Benefits of Managed Colocation vs. Traditional Colocation

Data Center Uptime

Space is just one element in the equation when it comes to the spectrum of solutions and offers colocation data centers provide today. A wide variety of colocation managed services are also made available by some of these facilities, completing the colocation offer with something more. These services can assist customers with taking care of […]

How Data Centers Have Become Critical Partners For Financial Services

data center for financial services

The availability of data centers is at the foundation of most applications we use on a daily basis. Failure in the data center can result in payment transaction delays and security issues. As a logical step towards safety, partnering with a resilient and adaptable data center for financial services is of critical importance for financial […]

How Can Colocation Save Your Business Money?

Colocation for Small Businesses

Colocation data centers, often called “colo” centers, are third-party facilities that provide businesses with physical space to house their servers, networking equipment, and other computing infrastructure. Unlike traditional on-premises data centers, where companies invest heavily in building and maintaining their facilities, colocation centers offer shared infrastructure, economies of scale, and advanced management services. In today’s […]

Do Cloud Outages Emerge as the Consequence of Prioritizing Cost over Reliability?

In recent years, the cloud services landscape has transformed into a super competitive marketplace. As market competition grows fierce, providers have engaged in relentless price wars to secure a more extensive client base. While the underlying mechanisms responsible for numerous cloud outages eventually come to light, the recurrence of certain issues can be attributed to the […]

Why Should You Take Our New Miami Data Center Virtual Tour

data center virtual tour

Our all-new Miami Fort Lauderdale data center is now complete. And, we’re inviting you to take a 360° virtual tour!  The tour is part of Volico’s provisioning process, allowing our customers and prospects to see where their IT infrastructure will live while confirming the security and reliability of our data center.  So, What is a […]

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