Cloud Computing: Is It Possible to Prevent Future Outages?

The recent Windows outage on July 19 reminded us all how important cloud computing has become in our daily lives. Businesses and healthcare services worldwide rely heavily on the cloud, and this event was a prime example of how cloud outages have the power to freeze the world. The incident impacted various services worldwide, including […]
Edge Data Center Security: Challenges and Resolutions

Elevated security is one of the most fundamental assets a data center can offer. However, because data is constantly subject to threats and attacks, potential issues hang in the air. When it comes to edge data centers, ensuring security sometimes requires a different kind of attention compared to regular data centers. Edge computing allows data […]
How Real-Time Server Monitoring Can Help Your Network Servers

Servers are crucial units of all IT frameworks, and as such, they require special care and regular maintenance. Any kind of server dysfunction can create performance issues, affecting the user and leading to interruptions in workflows. Servers store and process large amounts of information with the purpose of providing it to users, applications, or other […]
Server Uptime: A Fundamental Business Issue
No IT service will ever try to claim that server downtime is acceptable, but many will claim all sorts of issues causing downtime are unavoidable. For businesses that rely more and more heavily on their web presence or web applications to do business, server uptime can be the difference between productivity, financial solvency—even industry presence—and […]
The Physical Security Paradox: Data Centers Outperform In-House
It seems axiomatic that physical data security must actually be physically protected. Wouldn’t the best protection come from being physically present to address issues? In fact, data centers located across the country, or even the globe, provide more consistent, reliable, and all around better security. Let’s unpack the specific physical security concerns that need to […]