Why Should a Business Invest in Clustered Server Environment

Nearly every business depends upon the internet for essential business procedures. Performance and downtime gaps symbolize reduced sales and productivity along with reputation, mitigation, and other expenses. The actual price of tech bugs and out-of-date technology can result in the loss of millions. For this reason, a huge and developing amount of businesses make a […]

What is Cloud Sprawl and Why Should We Worry About It?

cloud repatriation

As businesses grow, the types of information that can be digitized expand, and the need to digitize more and more of a company’s transactions and data grows; there is a greater need to have places to store all this information. With this growth comes a variety of concerns such as increased maintenance costs and increased […]

How Colocation Providers Have Met Increased Demand for Cloud Computing Services

Colocation and cloud computing services

Colocation and cloud computing are different approaches to the desire of companies to be able to scale their IT services without huge capital expenses and to be able to remotely access their applications. As cloud computing becomes better known and more trusted, demand for these services continues to increase. What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing […]

Collaboration in Multi-Cloud Computing Environments

migrating VMware

Using multiple cloud providers to support different applications and workloads The options for cloud services are getting more varied. Companies that were previously limited to choosing between a public cloud, a private cloud, or a hybrid cloud can now use multiple cloud vendors. Many companies are using four or more vendors. There are various reasons […]

Containers Everywhere Shake Up Platform Foundations

containers making application development and server management smoother and more efficient.

Though it is not at all unusual for startups and new systems to be touted “the next big thing,” the reality is that the majority of such proclamations are merely flashes in a pan, rather than indicating lasting changes to the technology sector. Containers, on the other hand, have proven their worth as an ongoing […]

Understanding Managed Hosting and How It Can Help Your Business

Understanding Managed Hosting

Managed hosting refers to the IT provisional mode in which a provider company leases servers and associated applications and hardware to a client. The providing company houses and manages all equipment. The client may or may not have administrative access to these servers and applications but rarely utilizes this access. In most cases, a web-based […]

Hybrid Cloud Strategies For Your Business

modern colocation

The hybrid cloud service model was once considered a step down from public or private cloud hosting. In recent years, however, the hybrid model has gained currency among mid to large-sized companies looking for an alternative to public and private cloud hosting providers. What is the hybrid cloud, and how can it be utilized to […]

Creating a Managed Hosting Environment for Your Business Critical Applications

Managed Hosting Environment

Business critical applications are those that allow your business to function smoothly on a daily basis. While the business will not fold immediately if these applications experience downtime, they give your staff the ability to efficiently manage and grow your business. To qualify as business critical, these applications must be core to the business’s operation […]

Explanation and Comparison of Private Versus Public Cloud


Cloud Hosting offers businesses ease of access, reduction of infrastructure costs, and various levels of customization. Public cloud hosting relies on a shared, public network of resources that simultaneously services multiple clients. Private cloud services are systems of hardware, storage and networks devoted entirely to a single client. Determining which cloud hosting model will integrate […]

Hybrid Cloud: Is It The Right Cloud For Your Business?

In order for businesses to succeed today, a customized infrastructure is often needed to meet the needs of customers. Because these infrastructures hold the key to a company’s information and data for both it and its customers, this has become one of today’s most pressing cloud security issues. This is why more and more businesses […]

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