What is Load Balancing, and How Can It Improve Performance and Reliability?

The annoyance we experience when trying to view a website that doesn’t load is familiar to everyone. The latency that drives us crazy is often due to increased traffic that isn’t distributed efficiently, leading to overloaded servers and crashing websites. The reliability and performance of web applications are crucial today, and seconds of latency can […]
What is Edge Colocation, and How it Can Help Grow Your Business

Picture this. You want to relocate your business or open a new branch in a new area. One of the things you’re looking for in the new location is a data center. The problem is, this is a tier two market. It is improbable that you’ll find a data center with the kind of interconnection solutions similar […]
Bandwidth Vs. Latency: Which Is More Important?

These two components have a high impact on how quick and responsive is our internet connection. If you had a choice, would you trade one in favor of the other? Which of the two components would be more beneficial for you, or which one is more important? Before we answer that question, let’s find out […]
Using Dark Fiber, CWDM, and DWDM to Increase Data Center Connectivity

Regional, national, and worldwide businesses across domains must consider a variety of issues when it comes to their information technology. IT departments need to balance the desire for expansion, performance, high bandwidth, and low latency with security, privacy, and regulatory compliance requirements. Expansion can now be achieved by connecting multiple data centers and developing broader […]