How Much Data Center Colocation Space Do You Really Need

Server Consolidation

While there are several different options available when it comes to data management solutions for your business, colocation is one of the most popular among small- to mid-sized companies, as well as many large corporations. While there are indeed certain disadvantages to this model, the advantages are overwhelming. Colocation services offer scalability, efficiency, and easy […]

Colocation Data Center Physical Security as a Fundamental Service During COVID-19

Edge Data Centers

With the ongoing pandemic, many companies had to change the way they do business. Some industries are affected more than others, but overall any service provider must find a safe way to continue their work while keeping human interactions minimum. Companies need to rethink their work environment, operations, and the nature of their internal control […]

Understanding Data Center Redundancy and High-Availability

Data Center Redundancy

Businesses of all types (healthcare, financial, retail, communications, service professionals, etc.) need to ensure their computer operations are constantly running. Downtime means lost customers, damage to the reputation of the company, and other financial losses. Company computers need to have high availability, which means they need to virtually never fail.  More and more businesses and […]

What Buying Criteria Should Be Considered For Colocation Hosting?

Colocation Buying Criteria

The last five years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of enterprises turning to colocation hosting services. This is the result of a combination of the increase in technological demands, the decrease in the number of physical space companies have, and a need to cut costs while increasing efficiency. If your business is […]

Data Center Tier Levels Explained

Data Center

The need for a globally recognized set of Tier Performance Standards became unavoidable in the mid-1990s. The data center industry grew at an unprecedented rate as the number of businesses with significant Internet needs to be skyrocketed. In response to this critical need, the Uptime Institute developed a Tier Classification and Certification System for data […]

Why a Miami Data Center Colocation Is a Smart Choice?

low latency

A business may want to outsource their data center or utilize a colocation facility for several reasons. Currently, 25% of companies choose to do so, but the numbers are rising rapidly because of the benefits involved. When you utilize a colocation facility, your operational costs go down because no additional equipment is required for power […]

How the Rise of Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping the Data Center Industry

Data Centers for AI

Artificial Intelligence is the newest technology that is reshaping our society as well as having a profound impact on the machines and companies that power it. The rapid growth of knowledge and advancements in artificial intelligence is powering the need for new digital services to emerging to help harness this technology to its highest potential. […]

Understanding the Difference Between Amps and Watts For Pricing Colocation

Difference Between Amps and Watts For Pricing Colocation

When trying to decide if colocation is the right solution for your company’s data center needs, it can be hard to know what factors will determine the price of this service. To understand these factors, we will first look at what colocation services are and how the power ratings of hardware might impact the price […]

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Data Center Provider

Not all data centers are created equally.

Companies are transitioning to data centers because they can save capital costs, expand the company’s network, and be positioned to grow into the future. Migrating to a data center can be a timely and expensive proposition. Some of the key decisions businesses should consider in choosing the right data center are:       Scalability. The provider should […]

How Companies are Utilizing Carrier Neutral Data Centers

Utilizing Carrier Neutral

The last five years have seen an unprecedented upswing in the number of enterprises moving their IT management and housing to data centers. When choosing a data or colocation center, companies have two choices. Carrier specific data centers are operated by a single carrier and provide services for the entire facility. On the other hand, […]

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