DDoS Protection Trends Among Data Center and Colocation Providers

In today’s fast-paced and quickly changing business environment companies rely heavily on the performance and efficiency provided by data centers. The digital transformation boom still lasts, and more and more businesses – independent of size – depend on the quality of connectivity, network options, and security offered by data center services. These are changing times […]

How Data Centers Have Become Critical Partners For Financial Services

data center for financial services

The availability of data centers is at the foundation of most applications we use on a daily basis. Failure in the data center can result in payment transaction delays and security issues. As a logical step towards safety, partnering with a resilient and adaptable data center for financial services is of critical importance for financial […]

Is Your Data Center Colocation Defending Against Today’s DDoS Attacks?

data center and DDoS mitigation

The global pandemic poses an immense challenge to colocation, hosting, and data center providers. Data center colocation and their customers continue to experience an increase in DDoS attacks. Cyber security threats have evolved tremendously in the past decade resulting in increased sophistication, frequency, and volume of cyber attacks. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, however, continue […]

Data Center Tier Levels Explained

Data Center

The need for a globally recognized set of Tier Performance Standards became unavoidable in the mid-1990s. The data center industry grew at an unprecedented rate as the number of businesses with significant Internet needs to be skyrocketed. In response to this critical need, the Uptime Institute developed a Tier Classification and Certification System for data […]

Why Can the Average Cost of a Data Breach reach into the Millions?

Average Cost of a Data Breach

A data breach is, unfortunately, a common occurrence in 2019. Countless companies and governments around the world have suffered ransomware attacks and DDoS attacks that have left them helpless to deal with the damage at hand. It’s come to the point that these data breaches can cost companies millions of dollars in damages. There are multiple […]

DDoS Attack Types & Mitigation Methods

Volico DDoS Mitigation Services

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make any online service dysfunctional or unavailable by overwhelming it with requests and web traffic. This overloads the servers with requests, and the web service or website essentially crashes. The attacks attack a variety of resources like banks and news sites and even government […]

2017 DDoS Attack Trends

Volico DDoS Mitigation Services

As trends go, 2016 had quite a few positive and negative ones in IT. One of the most prevalent was distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, and that progression is expected to continue through the New Year. Some of the specifics will change as prevention strategies improve in efficacy, but that simply means the DDoS […]

What is The Right DDoS Protection Service For Your Organization?

A cyberattack can render your system inoperable, and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are becoming more sophisticated. Instead of a single attack, there are now distributed attacks in which many attacks are made on a key point in a system. These distributed attacks, called Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks (DDoS) cause this key point to overload, attempting […]

What You Need to Know About Cyber Extortion and Ransomware

Cyber Extortion and Ransomware

Cyber extortion is a new and expanding form of cybercrime involving an attack on a company or personal data systems. Criminals who conduct such attacks extort money from companies and organizations by demanding huge payments in return for stopping the attack and correcting any damage that has been done. Traditional defenses such as firewalls and […]

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