DDoS Protection Trends Among Data Center and Colocation Providers

In today’s fast-paced and quickly changing business environment companies rely heavily on the performance and efficiency provided by data centers. The digital transformation boom still lasts, and more and more businesses – independent of size – depend on the quality of connectivity, network options, and security offered by data center services. These are changing times […]

Is Your Data Center Colocation Defending Against Today’s DDoS Attacks?

data center and DDoS mitigation

The global pandemic poses an immense challenge to colocation, hosting, and data center providers. Data center colocation and their customers continue to experience an increase in DDoS attacks. Cyber security threats have evolved tremendously in the past decade resulting in increased sophistication, frequency, and volume of cyber attacks. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, however, continue […]

Why Can the Average Cost of a Data Breach reach into the Millions?

Average Cost of a Data Breach

A data breach is, unfortunately, a common occurrence in 2019. Countless companies and governments around the world have suffered ransomware attacks and DDoS attacks that have left them helpless to deal with the damage at hand. It’s come to the point that these data breaches can cost companies millions of dollars in damages. There are multiple […]

DDoS Attack Types & Mitigation Methods

Volico DDoS Mitigation Services

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make any online service dysfunctional or unavailable by overwhelming it with requests and web traffic. This overloads the servers with requests, and the web service or website essentially crashes. The attacks attack a variety of resources like banks and news sites and even government […]

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