Micro Segmentation vs Endpoint Protection: What You Need to Know

When protecting endpoints from malware or any type of command and control based Malcode (malicious code), many different approaches and techniques are utilized by the software an organization or enterprise chooses to utilize in order to protect the machines in their environment. Different solutions to safeguard endpoints include on-site binary isolation, server-based micro-virtualization, real-time system-isolation, […]

Cryptographic Ransomware Removal And Protection With Volico Endpoint Protection

cyber security

Crypto Ransomware is rampant. Most variants of it (CryptoLocker, TeslaCrypt) are malicious binary files that are very intelligent, aware of their surroundings, and highly polymorphic. Cryptographic ransomware that can morph on the fly makes it extremely difficult for standard signature-based antivirus programs to detect, as well as making it difficult to detect with “Anti-Malware” programs. […]

How to Select an MSSP Partner?

Select a MSSP for Your Business

An MSSP (Managed Security Services Provider) Partner is chosen by organizations for several reasons like security, talent shortage, budget cuts and the complexity of trying to stay on top of fledgling threats arising in the world of tech. Here are five areas you need to focus on to select an MSSP partner. The following are […]

Why Can the Average Cost of a Data Breach reach into the Millions?

Average Cost of a Data Breach

A data breach is, unfortunately, a common occurrence in 2019. Countless companies and governments around the world have suffered ransomware attacks and DDoS attacks that have left them helpless to deal with the damage at hand. It’s come to the point that these data breaches can cost companies millions of dollars in damages. There are multiple […]

How Can Managed Security Services Providers Be Beneficial for a Business?

Good and in-house security professionals are hard to find, and finding the right team can prove to be a daunting task. Every company prefers to secure its software applications, customer data, intellectual property, and other business assets. In order to implement this efficiently, your business needs the right people, the right technologies, proper strategies, and […]

DDoS Attack Types & Mitigation Methods

Volico DDoS Mitigation Services

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make any online service dysfunctional or unavailable by overwhelming it with requests and web traffic. This overloads the servers with requests, and the web service or website essentially crashes. The attacks attack a variety of resources like banks and news sites and even government […]

How to Avoid Shadow IT Negative Consequences

Avoid Shadow IT Negative Consequences

Shadow IT is the use of IT systems and software that are not approved by the company or organization. Many employees and vendors are using third-party solutions because they think they’re easier or faster or better. There are many problems with Shadow IT, though, beginning with security issues and the ability to control the company […]

What Are The Ingredients For Next-Generation Colocation

The future of Next Generation Colocation, and what trends are driving growth

Data centers colocation began as a way of helping businesses address data storage issues and security issues. Data centers now allow for companies to have access to more software applications, more secure networks, and more data. Data centers are helping companies become more flexible and adapt faster to the ever-changing IT world. New trends The […]

The Rapid Global Growth Interconnect Bandwidth

edge data center

As cloud services and distributed networks grow, and the Internet of Things (IoT) expands, the need to be connected across multiple platforms in multiple locations is constantly growing. Standard bandwidth is a metric that measures how much data can be sent over a network. Interconnection bandwidth is a metric that measures how ready a location […]

The Difference between Real and Fake Ransomware

Understand how to manage real and fake ransomware

Standard ransomware is the deliberate sabotage of your computer files and data by outsiders. The criminals in no uncertain terms tell you that your information has been encrypted, making it unusable. They tell you that you have a limited time, such as 48 to 72 hours, to pay them or your files will be forever […]

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