Colocation Power Considerations: Key Things to Look For When Choosing a Provider

As a consequence of data storage and processing needs growing at an unprecedented pace, businesses are increasingly looking for solutions that can efficiently meet their needs and promote their growth. This search often concludes with colocation, as this solution can offer the flexibility and scalability both small businesses and large enterprises can benefit from. As […]
DDoS Protection Trends Among Data Center and Colocation Providers

In today’s fast-paced and quickly changing business environment companies rely heavily on the performance and efficiency provided by data centers. The digital transformation boom still lasts, and more and more businesses – independent of size – depend on the quality of connectivity, network options, and security offered by data center services. These are changing times […]
When To Switch Data Center Provider?

Everyone knows that a data center provider is dealing with data. But what a provider actually does to improve efficiency, end-user experience, and security for businesses is somewhat less obvious at first glance. Nevertheless, data center providers maintain the complex IT infrastructure and management necessary to store impressive volumes of data and make it available […]