Everything You Need to Know About Bare Metal Servers

bare metal dedicated servers

In the past thirty years, servers have become an integral part of modern business practices. What type of server your business utilizes can be tremendously important, determining your efficiency, cost effectiveness, and customer satisfaction. These factors have always been important factors for business people to keep in mind, but now more than ever, data management […]

Understanding Clustering Capabilities For Servers


Server clustering refers to a group of servers working together on one system to provide users with higher availability. These clusters are used to reduce downtime and outages by allowing another server to take over in an outage event. Here’s how it works. A group of servers are connected to a single system.  The moment […]

How Colocation Providers Have Met Increased Demand for Cloud Computing Services

Colocation and cloud computing services

Colocation and cloud computing are different approaches to the desire of companies to be able to scale their IT services without huge capital expenses and to be able to remotely access their applications. As cloud computing becomes better known and more trusted, demand for these services continues to increase. What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing […]

What You Need to Know About X-as-a-Service (XaaS)

XaaS stands for ‘anything as a service’ and encompasses SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and more. As cloud computing has become not simply an option, but practically the mandate, for both developers and users alike, there has been a myriad of ways businesses have been quick to jump on the “as a service” model. For this reason, […]

Collaboration in Multi-Cloud Computing Environments

migrating VMware

Using multiple cloud providers to support different applications and workloads The options for cloud services are getting more varied. Companies that were previously limited to choosing between a public cloud, a private cloud, or a hybrid cloud can now use multiple cloud vendors. Many companies are using four or more vendors. There are various reasons […]

Cognizant Computing: The Next Phase of the Personal Cloud

Talk about “the cloud” and cloud computing has been at the forefront of every IT discussion for the past five years.  Many individuals and companies have moved to securing data and applications in the cloud. The next leap phase enhances the utility of cloud-based computing services at a holistic level.  On the path towards functional […]

Dedicated Servers vs. Public Cloud

VPS cloud hosting

The difference between using the cloud to host your services versus using an in-house, dedicated server is essentially the difference between leasing and buying; between using an in-house IT team or a professional outside team; and between hands-on control versus shared, but more affordable, services. There are pros and cons to each type of information […]

Volico Data Center IT Predictions: 2017

Predictions can be a tricky business, particularly in the IT field. We’ve gathered the ones we are most confident in, that we think will not only benefit the IT field, but eventually become well-known outside specialized circles. The trickle down movement of new tech and practices from the industry to the general public has always […]

How Hardware Load Balancers Help Manage Network Traffic

Load Balancing

Computer networks are akin to railway traffic systems. They need to ensure that multiple trains (with multiple cars) using a small number of railway lines operate efficiently. Efficient operation means that that the trains don’t collide and that they reach their destinations on time. Computer traffic within or across networks must handle billions of bits […]

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