Volico DDoS Mitigation Services
Reduced business disruptions based on how we detect and minimize attacks against your network, protecting your reputation and brand value!
Keep your websites and applications up and running by eliminating DDoS attack traffic while allowing legitimate traffic to flow without interruption.
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What is DDoS?
DDoS stands for “Distributed Denial of Service”, an attempt to make computer resources unavailable by either forcing the server(s) to reset or consuming its resources so that it can no longer provide service. In today’s environment, any business operating online can become a target because of who they are, what they sell, who they partner with, or for any other reason.
Nowadays attacks are no longer isolated to a single point of entry. They utilize many network entry points and often use multiple compromised servers to act as zombies to forward spam, viruses, and other malware onto your network.

If successful, this creates it can generate multiple gigabits-per-second of traffic, clogging your access network and deny service to legitimate users, severely undermining your business and revenues.
Volico has been helping customers detect and mitigate DDoS attacks before they impact their business which it translate in lost revenue and brand tarnish.
Features & Benefits
• Multi-layered security capabilities
• 24×7 instant response to DDoS Attacks
• Quickly turnkey solution deployment to stop threats
• Maximize uptime and availability during DDoS attacks
• Non-intrusive – no upgrades or re-architecting required
• Real-time alerts
• Anomaly detection
• Certified Expert Staff
• Granular traffic analysis
• Robust intrusion detection system
Get robust protection from DDoS attacks. Speak with an expert fluent in security.
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