General Legal Matters

Acceptable Use Policy | Volico Learn More »

Terms of Use | Volico Learn More »

Volico Service Level Agreement (100% SLA) Learn More »

Privacy Policy

Volico Privacy Policy, storage, and use of information gathered through this website. Learn More »

Copyright Notice

Volico Copyright Notice through this website.

Trademark Notices

The contents of this website are Volico Data Centers copyright, all rights reserved. Volico, the Volico logo, and certain other marks on this website are the trademarks, trade names, and service marks of Volico Data Centers. Any use of such marks without the prior written consent of Volico Data Centers is prohibited. Other trademarks and logos are the property of the parties to whom they are attributed.

DMCA Policy

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) provides a mechanism for notifying service providers of claims of unauthorized use of copyrighted materials. Learn More »

IP Usage Policy

Volico respects the need for IP addresses within a hosting environment and makes all reasonable efforts to provide IP’s to those in need. While trying to keep the needs of all customers, a number of policies are in place to ensure fair distribution and use of the IP Address Space. Learn More »

About cookies on

Volico Data Centers use cookies to collect and analyse information on site performance and usage. This site uses essential cookies which are required for functionality.  More detail is available in our privacy policy. Learn more

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