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Data Centers for AI

How the Rise of Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping the Data Center Industry

Artificial Intelligence is the newest technology that is reshaping our society as well as having a profound impact on the machines and companies that power it. The rapid growth of knowledge and advancements in artificial intelligence is powering the need for new digital services to emerging to help harness this technology to its highest potential.  Improving products that are already on the market for all of us to put to use in our daily lives will be core to the future of AI.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence was a phrase that came into being in the 1950s when early research into the science of computation explored simple methods of automation and problem-solving. Through this research, computer scientists began to learn how to train computers to mimic some forms of human reasoning which allowed our computers and machines to become the “smart” companions we know and understand today.

Today, a continuation of AI research and improvement on foundational technologies are apparent in the automation and reasoning skills that can be found built-in to our phones, computers, and machines. AI, in some form, is becoming a background fact of our world.

How is Artificial Intelligence Reshaping Data Centers?

Artificial intelligence has already brought more changes to our world that could be discussed in a single article. However, there are three main ways that artificial intelligence is reshaping and changing the data centers that are responsible for powering much of the world’s business and commerce.

The first way that artificial intelligence is reshaping data centers can found in the rise of artificial intelligence based applications driving demand for data center space. With clients moving their businesses forward with artificial intelligence based applications, enterprises require more space than ever before. Many companies find themselves needing increased service support to keep their applications running, and update and backup solutions for more robust applications also require space. Data centers are having to redefine their business models and plans to accommodate the needs of their clients.

The second way that artificial intelligence is reshaping data centers, and possibly one of the most important, is that the space changes needed for large artificial intelligence applications will also completely change how high-density racks are powered and cooled. This pushes data centers to re-evaluate their design and setup procedures so that they can offer the space and machines that their clients will need for their evolving businesses.

The third and final way that artificial intelligence is reshaping our data centers is in the ability of artificial intelligence to perform some of the operating tasks of today’s modern data centers. AI being able to do more means that, in this world of ever-changing technology, it is believed that artificial intelligence will not only reshape today’s data centers but will also operate them.

As the research and study behind this technology improve, data centers are going to be at the forefront of making changes to allow artificial intelligence space and power it will need to reshape the world of tomorrow.

Ready to Learn More About Artificial Intelligence?

If you are curious about how the rise of AI impacts you and your business, contact us today, and our team will be happy to help you learn more about the changes that AI is bringing to the data center world.

Discover how Volico can help you with your Artificial Intelligence needs.

•  Call: 888 865 4261
•  Chat with a member of our team to discuss which solution best fits your needs.

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