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Data Center

How Data Center Reliability and Redundancy Directly Helps Your Business

You need to consider many different factors when you are choosing a data center. Something that is important but not always obvious is a data center with a redundant and reliable infrastructure. These data centers have systems in place to maintain high uptime percentages and distribute resources across multiple nodes. You need to know how data center redundancy and reliability can directly help your business.

Maximize Availability

Data center reliability helps your business by maximizing availability. A number of common issues like a hardware failure, network problem or application fault could cause your primary servers to stop functioning correctly. This can leave your business and clients unable to access your services. Reliability means that there are systems and professionals in place to take control once a problem occurs. Your servers will continue working and loads can be redistributed in the event of an emergency that affects performance.

Protect Critical Data

An important way data center redundancy directly helps your business is by protecting critical data. The data you have on your servers and drives is vulnerable to corruption, hardware issues and even hackers. Redundancies ensure that your critical data exists in more than just one place. There are redundant drives in the data center and off-site backups. These redundancies allow you to recover your data if something happens to your servers or drives so that your business can restart normal operations fast.

Increased Server Security

Hackers today can use several different techniques to attack your servers and potentially gain access to sensitive or proprietary information. An advantage of data center redundancy is increased server security. The redundant systems will keep your information safe. They will prevent hackers from opening up vulnerabilities that sometimes occur during or after a server crash. Additionally, redundancies prevent certain types of attacks from working at all.

Upgrading Becomes Easier

There will come a time when you need to upgrade your servers or other infrastructure components. A traditional setup usually requires bringing all the systems offline and stopping normal operations. One of the benefits of data center reliability is that you will be able to upgrade without having to completely stop doing business. This allows you to keep serving customers and doing work during the process.

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•  Call: 888 865 4261
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