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Business continuity

Creating a Business Continuity Plan That Uses Cloud Resources

Simply put a business continuity plan is something that you would put together to keep your business operational if your regular offices are affected by a disaster. This could be a short-term problem, such as a power failure that lasts a couple of hours, or it could be more serious, such as a broken water pipe that has flooded your offices and made them unusable for several days and even the loss of an entire building and its contents as a result of a natural or man-made disaster.

The complexity and scope of your business continuity plan will depend on the industry that you are in, the size of your business, as well as how important uninterrupted operation of your business is for you.

Examples of business continuity solutions would be moving your offices to a temporary location or renting equipment if yours is temporarily out of use. But when thinking about business continuity, you should also think about your IT resources and data.

Using the Cloud to Keep Your Business Operational When Disaster Strikes

A growing number of businesses from around the world are now turning to cloud-based solutions for business continuity purposes. The reasons behind this are quite obvious. Cloud computing and data storage solutions are affordable and flexible. In addition to this, they may be used to keep you working if your existing IT infrastructure has been damaged or is inaccessible.

One example of a very simple continuity plan that would be suitable for a small business would be to make regular backups of all locally-stored data to a cloud server. If the data on the local server cannot be accessed, for example because it was destroyed in a fire, employees can connect to the cloud server to access the information they need to do their jobs. Additional cloud resources can be deployed as well, such as hosted business applications, and then scaled down when they are no longer needed.

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