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Managed Services

3 Reasons Managed Services Help Your Business

To stay competitive, your business needs to meet a certain number of requirements. You need the latest in technology, access to IT support, and reassurance that your company’s important information will be there regardless of what tomorrow brings.

You also need to ensure that all that sensitive data is stored in a safe place with employees and security systems that you can trust. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons to why you should let one of the industry leaders in managed hosting, Volico, take care of your business’s needs.

Managed Services

1.  Access to the Latest Technology

Keeping your technology updated. Depending on the size of your business, ti may be nearly impossible.

Volico provides clients with the latest and greatest technology available for managed hosting. Their facility complies with desirable things such as PCI, HIPAA, and SSAE 16 audits. They offer a 2NX+1 Smart-Grid redundant system that ensures your services will always be available while providing you with robust hardware.

2.  Military-Grade Security

The thing that prevents most businesses from investing in potentially cost-cutting managed services is the fact that they have questions about security.

With Volico, those questions are answered by the 7-point military-grade security plan that they have put in place. They employ Man-Traps, fingerprint biometrics, facial recognition, and more to ensure that only highly dependable Volico employees can access the hardware that hosts your data.

3.  Risk Management

The most important advantage that managed services bring is the ability to secure your data off-site. That means tornadoes, thieves and even corporate sabotage won’t be able to burn your business out by destroying your most important data.

Volico’s facility adds another layer of protection when it comes to off-site backups. They employ features such as environmental controls, constant monitoring and gas-based inert fire suppression systems in a facility that is engineered to resist category 5 hurricanes.

Let Volico Handle Your Business’s Managed Needs

Volico meets and exceeds the standards that most large businesses require to keep their information secure while providing reliable services.

By choosing to allow Volico to keep your business’s data secure, you’re saving on expenses while providing your business with the latest technology in a facility that is built to withstand the 252 km/h winds of a category 5 hurricane and the deft fingers of even the smartest thieves.

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