This section will overview the additional data found under View Details under a specific service:
A - Service Information - This section will open with the Service Plan and Service Description
B - Detailed Service Information - This section will include Service Plan elements that are an element of the price
Some of these Detailed Service Information items have 'Hidden' as part of the name. This indicates that the item isn't listed on an invoice for a multitude of reasons, such as the service not being selected by the customer or the service item was a one-time element as part of the initial provisioning of services
C - Subtotal - After pricing out all cost elements of the Detailed Service Information items, this will show the cost of all the items when combined.
D - Quantity - The quantity of the service plan in question.
E - Total Monthly Cost - This is the total paid monthly for the service. If the quanity is 1X, then the cost should be the same as the subtotal.
F - Total Setup Fees - These are the total one-time fees that were paid to create the service
G - Applicatable Taxes - Any State/Federal taxes that must be collected for the service are listed here
H - Service Notes - Any special notes regarding the service will be listed here
I - Child Services - Any services tied to the primary service are listed here. Usually these are Setup Fees, thought this is not always the case.
H - Unpaid Balance - Any pending balance due for the specific service
K - Status - The status of your service
L - Planned Activation Date - This is the date that the provisioning of services was planned
M - Activation Date - This is the date that services were actually provisioned
N - Client Acceptance Date - this is the date that the client in question agreed to the terms of services to do business with Vault Networks.
O - Billing Start Date - This is the date that billing started for the invoice in question
P - Last Renewal Date - this is the last date that had services renew for the account
Q - Renewal Date - This is the next date that a renewal of services will occur. If no notice is received by Vault Networks, billing will automatically renew services on this date.
R - End Date - This is the date where services are scheduled to end if no renewal date exists.
S - Post Renew - This option allows one to bill a service in arrears at the end of its period, rather than at the beginning of it. Very few Vault Networks services utilize this option.
T - Bill In Advance - This option allows the service to be invoiced up to 31 days earlier, based on the client billing configuration options.
U - Auto Charge and Account - Auto Charge allows Vault Networks to automatically charge the listed form of payment for services. For example, auto-pay on a Credit/Debit Card. The Account is where basic credit card information would be listed.
V - Auto Suspend - Any criteria that might result in an account being automatically suspended will be listed here.
W - Auto Cancel - Any criteria that might lead to an account being automatically cancelled will be listed here.
X - Service Status - This is how services are billed.
Y - Outstanding invoices - this are existing invoices that still need to be paid by the client.